Becoming a BWI Mentor

brings many benefits to you!

Do you have passion to make a contribution to someone else's life, as part of their birth education journey?

Become a BWI Mentor!
Be a significant part of another person’s experience.
Make some money just by reviewing a student’s work and giving feedback.
Improve the birth context and uplift someone, too!

Inspired to make a difference as a BirthWorks Mentor?

Share what you know with confidence and stay updated on the latest information in the field, too
If you aspire to share BWI evidence-based, human-values approach, this is a great next career step.
  • Be someone’s supporter as you give feedback and encourage them to get work done.
  • Earn some money – $150 per student ($50 when they begin and $100 when they finish).
  • Celebrate when your student gets certified! – they  will always remember you!
Become An Accelerated Childbirth Educator Trainer Online | ACED

Requirements to become an Mentor

Requirements to become an BWI Mentor

Steps to Take

There is much to be accomplished in the birth world. Your uplifting another birth worker can make all the difference to a new mother and baby. We hope you will be a part – the Mentor program is open for registration.

Steps to Take

Have a Question? Let’s Chat.

Please don’t hesitate to reach us, happy to be in touch.

Cristin Tighe
Executive Director & International Coordinator
1-202-276-3521 Mobile/WhatsApp