The Sounds of Silence During Labor

Written by Sarah Baker CCE(BWI) I recently listened to an On Being podcast entitled “Silence and The Present of Everything.” The guest, Gordon Teppitt, was an audio ecologist, a career which I’d never heard of and found utterly fascinating. His gentle and calm voice spoke in a poetic way about his experiences and the insights …

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Birth Story – Hospital VBAC

by Krista Haggerty My first birth was a cesarean after a long labor.  It was hugely disappointing, and I struggled with feelings of failure.  When I became pregnant again, I knew I wanted to have a vaginal birth with no interventions.  I switched providers two times and met the OB who delivered my son at …

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The Nocebo Effect

By Cathy Daub, PT, CCE and CD(BWI) I remember once talking with a pregnant woman in the hospital who had just been tested for gestational diabetes. She looked up at me confused saying, “I eat healthfully and there is no history of diabetes in my family.” She had a look of despair in her eyes and I …

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Cristin Tighe
Executive Director & International Coordinator
1-202-276-3521 Mobile/WhatsApp